Granada to Seville – June 21

I had planned to move on to Madrid and spend a few days before heading to Barcelona but I returned to Seville instead. I headed out the door toward where I recalled seeing taxis. My host had suggested the bus but I was concerned I’d take the wrong one or miss my stop. I think the truth was I just wanted something simple even if it meant spending more money.

The taxi got me to the train station where we were loaded onto the bus (see yesterdays post if this doesn’t make sense). The bus got us to Antequerra where we loaded onto the train for Seville. No train changes were needed so I felt like I could relax a bit. I rolled my eyes a bit and the train passed through the Marchena station. Apparently I was still a little bitter from the ordeal Sunday.

Finally a smooth train trip in Spain! As I exited the train I thought I should take the opportunity to reserve my spot on the Seville to Barcelona train on Thursday. All the signs were in Spanish and of course I chose the wrong line. The guy directed me to take a number and get into a different line. I hit the button for a ticket and nothing. Pressed it a few more time for good measure, same result. I thought maybe I was doing it wrong until a Spanish woman had the same result. She promptly told the clerks the machine wasn’t working and we all formed an orderly line. More than an hour later it was my turn. Making the reservation was easy enough and I was glad I’d decided to take care of that now rather than later.

Took another taxi into the city center where I got some food and a mojito. Kevin got home from work and I got settled in and started my work day. Keeping my Seattle hours really puts a dent in the night life. Another thrilling day of transit, but I got a few pictures of the Spanish countryside that might be decent.



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